My Seaworthy Story
What started as a necessity has developed into a passion . . .
The freedom that we feel at sea
makes it easy for us to prioritize cruising as a part of our lives.
Odyssey of the Seas- October 2021- Our first Cruise back after the Pandemic
On May 7th, 2006, I went on my first cruise with my brand new husband. It was our honeymoon, and it was a magical experience as my husband had planned for us to have a suite that came with access to the concierge lounge and other wonderful amenities. As wonderful as it was, it would be another 9 years before we ever got on another cruise ship.
What happened in between was that we were building our life together. Chris was working on his career as a consultant. While I had set out to be an elementary school teacher, we decided that it would be best for me to stay home with our growing family. Both Chris’ career and parenthood proved to come with increasing stressors and pressure. In 2015, when we went on our next cruise together, we discovered that cruising provided the perfect getaway for us.
Cruising gave Chris the perfect excuse to unplug from work, and it gave us the opportunity to reconnect and relax away from the demands of parenthood. In our case, the stressors of parenthood only increased as our children got older. John, our younger son, wasn’t meeting all of his developmental milestones and was later diagnosed with Autism. This began the journey of numerous visits to doctors, countless therapy sessions and many late night conversations. Cruising gave us the chance to put those worries and responsibilities aside and just be.
Now, we cruise three to four times a year, sometimes with the kids and sometimes without. Primarily on Royal Caribbean, we find fun and new experiences on every new cruise that we embark on.
We love cruising, which makes it easy for me to share my love and extensive, yet still growing, knowledge of cruising with others.